Emotional Intelligence defined: "a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way."
Emotional intelligence (EI) as defined here and applied in the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0) reflects one’s overall well-being and ability to succeed in life.
WHY is EI Important? While emotional intelligence isn’t the sole predictor of human performance and development potential, it is proven to be a key indicator in these areas. Emotional intelligence is also not a static factor — to the contrary, one’s emotional intelligence can change over time and can be developed in targeted areas.
What Does the EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 Measure?
How we perceive and express ourselves
How we develop and maintain social relationships
How we cope with challenges and use emotional intelligence in an effective and meaningful way.
The EQ-i 2.0 model of emotional intelligence is comprised of fifteen factors across five categories of functioning. These skills, which form the building blocks of abilities such as communication, resilience, and time management, can be mapped theoretically and empirically to job competencies, productivity, academic performance, and other measures of success to help predict and improve functioning.

Applications of emotional intelligence include:
Executive Coaching
Leadership Development
Recruitment and Retention
Organizational Development
Team Building
Student Development

Assessments and Reports
EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Report
Leadership Development
Executive Development and Coaching
Developing Potentials
Senior Level Selection and Succession Planing
Compares client's self assessment with those who work with/for them
Helps to identify blind-spots
Provides valuable insight and opportunities for development
EQ-i 2.0 Group Report
Providing Group or Team Feedback on EQ-i 2.0 Results
Team Building
Improving Group Dynamics
Providing an Organizational Summary or Report of an EQ-i 2.0 Program
EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report
Individual Development
Team Development
Selection and Recruitment
Career Counseling and Outplacement Services

The Emotionally Effective Leader Workshop is designed to be an interactive session which includes class instruction, individual work, and both small and large group activities. The following course and learning objectives are key highlights for participants of the program:
Create understanding of emotional intelligence using the EQ-i 2.0 model as a platform
Increase participants’ understanding of mapping transformation leadership to emotional intelligence
Enable participants to identify specific areas in their own EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Reports and build an action plan to work on areas to develop further and leverage strengths
Identify and understand how aspects of emotional intelligence can lead to derailing behaviors
Apply what is learned in the session by developing a personal Leadership Effectiveness Framework
Leveraging results from leaders’ EQ-i 2.0® Leadership Reports, participants of this session will learn the importance of emotional intelligence in effective leadership and leave with a better understanding of their strengths and areas to develop to enhance leadership skills, as well as an action plan on how to increase effectiveness.