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Tilt 365

Tilt 365 is a character strengths-based personality assessment tool that can be used to help increase self-awareness. With increased self-awareness people are able to understand others on a different level and improve the way they interact with people in their personal and professional lives.


The True Tilt Personality Profile is an individual assessment tool that provides deep, personalized insights intended to provide actionable insight for individual growth. This assessment package includes two, one-hour debrief sessions and the assessment.

The Positive Influence Predictor is a 360-feedback assessment tool designed to help an individual understand where they are currently, “Tilting.” This assessment is extremely useful for anyone who wants to know how they’re being perceived by those around them so they can ensure they are showing up the way they intend to. This tool will help identify blind spots and hidden strengths. This assessment package includes two, one-hour debrief sessions and the assessment.

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DUNS Number: 127679510

CAGE Code: 973H6


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